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38 authority first label

PDF DuPont Authority - Fluoride Action Network • AUTHORITY® may be applied 30 days Early Preplant for burndown of small emerged weeds. • Always include a spray additive as recommended in the burndown section of this label. • Apply in a minimum of 10 gal water per acre by ground using flat fan nozzles (25-40 psi) or hollow cone nozzles (40-60 psi). See Application Information. CAUTION - Authority First DF Herbicide is for preemergence control of broadleaf and grass weeds in soybeans only. The mode of action of Authority First DF Herbicide involves uptake by weed roots and shoots. Preemergence and preplant incorporated applications of Authority First DF Herbicide require rainfall or irrigation to activate the herbicide.

Authority First DF | FMC Corporation | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Authority First DF FMC Corporation Labels Label SDS Snapshot ID: 45763 Active ingredients Cloransulam-methyl Sulfentrazone Classification B Herbicide WSSA mode of action 2 Inhibition of acetolactate synthase ALS (acetohydroxyacid synthse AHAS) Classification E Herbicide WSSA mode of action 14 Inhibition of protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO)

Authority first label

Authority first label

RACDCERT LIST (List certificate) - IBM To issue the RACDCERT LIST command, you must have the SPECIAL attribute or sufficient authority to the IRR.DIGTCERT.LIST resource in the FACILITY class for your intended purpose. Syntax For the key to the symbols used in the command syntax diagrams, see Syntax of RACF commands and operands. The complete syntax of the RACDCERT LIST command is: PDF Authority Supreme Herbicide - Cdms READ THE LABEL AND ATTACHED BOOKLET BEFORE USING KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN FMC of Canada Limited 6755 Mississauga Road, Suite 204 Mississauga, ON L5N 7Y2 1-833-362-7722 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, CALL 1-800-331-3148 (24 HOURS) 6 NOTICE TO USER This pest control product is to be used only in accordance with the directions on the label. Dual Magnum - Herbicide Product & Label Information | Syngenta US Dual Magnum Herbicide. Recommended as a preplant surface-applied, preplant incorporated or preemergence application, Dual Magnum ® herbicide is used to manage annual grass and small-seeded broadleaf weeds. It can be applied post-emergence as a tank-mix partner or in the fall for specific geographies. It is registered for use on a variety of ...

Authority first label. Agricultural Chemical Solutions, Inc. - Pesticide Prices First Rate™ by Dow: $34.50 / oz. Flu-Rimuron by Red Eagle (Generic substitute for Valor® XLT) $24.85 / lb. Flumioxazin 51% WDG by Red Eagle (Generic substitute for Valor® SX) $24.82 / lb. Foam Marker by Drexel: $28.50 / gal. Fomesafen 2SL by Solera (Generic substitute for Flexstar®) $34 - $35 / gal. Price Details: Fortix® by Cheminova ... Outlook® Herbicide - BASF Outlook will protect your investment with powerful, consistent control of grasses and small-seeded broadleaf weeds such as waterhemp, pigweed and nightshade. Add in excellent crop safety and application flexibility, and you will soon realize why Outlook is a favored partner for growers looking for an herbicide that performs all season long. Herbicide program development: Herbicide rate calculations I first convert the fluid ounces to gallons, since the concentration is in pounds per gallon. A full rate of Spartan has 0.316 lbs of the active ingredient sulfentrazone, while a full rate of the premix, Authority First, contains 0.25 lbs of the active ingredient sulfentrazone. Authority First has about 79% of a full rate of sulfentrazone. AUTHORITY® FIRST DF HERBICIDE | FMC Ag US AUTHORITY ® FIRST DF HERBICIDE Protect your Roundup Ready 2 Xtend ®, Enlist ™, LibertyLink ® and conventional soybeans from glyphosate-resistant broadleaf weeds such as ragweed with Authority ® First DF herbicide. Quick Facts Effective in no-till, minimum-till and conventional-tillage systems. Residual broadleaf foundation for soybean weed control.

2022 Lincoln Navigator Gains New Manhattan Green Color: First Look The 2022 Lincoln Navigator adds four new colors to its roster: Chroma Caviar Dark Gray, Starlight Gray, Ocean Drive Blue, and Manhattan Green.Here's our first look at the Manhattan Green option. Assigned order code FU, Manhattan Green is one of ten colors available on the 2022 Lincoln Navigator.However, the new color is only available on the range-topping Black Label trim level and is paired ... Soybean Injury from Sulfentrazone - The Bulletin The Authority label suggests the higher end of the application rate range be used on soils with high organic-matter content (greater than 4%). While sulfentrazone injury has been observed to occur on "black" soils, the likelihood of injury would be greater on coarse-textured soils with 2% or less organic matter. Authority® Supreme Herbicide - Reichman Sales & Service Reichman Sales & Service PO Box 698 - Toluca, IL 61369 Phone: 815-452-2665 Fax: 815-452-2837 PDF FirstRate Specimen Label - Fluoride Action Network Notice: Read the entire label. Use only according to label directions. Before using this product, read Warranty Disclaimer, Inherent Risks of Use, and Limitation of Remedies at end of label booklet. If terms are unacceptable, return at once unopened. In case of emergency endangering health or the environment involving this product, call 1-800 ...

PDF RECOMMENDED HERBICIDE PROGRAMS FOR SOYBEANS - Beck's Hybrids Check with your local chemical retailer and always read and follow label directions. 6 | BECK'S NAME:Amaranthus rudis(common) Amaranthus tuberculatus(tall) TYPE:Annual; highly prolific WHERE:Common throughout the Midwest IDENTIFICATION:The two species are so similar in appearance and control there is no need to distinguish in the field. Green Day - Wikipedia Green Day is an American rock band formed in the East Bay of California in 1987 by lead vocalist and guitarist Billie Joe Armstrong, together with bassist and backing vocalist Mike Dirnt.For much of the band's career, they have been a trio with drummer Tré Cool, who replaced John Kiffmeyer in 1990 before the recording of the band's second studio album, Kerplunk (1991). PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, AUTHORITY IMI (F7119 4 SC) HERBICIDE, 1/11 ... SUBJECT: Master Label Amendment Authority® Assist Herbicide EPA Registration No. 279-3330 Your Application Dated October 12,2010 JA N \ l 2011 The label amendment referred to above, submitted in accordance with registration under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, as amended, is acceptable with the following comments: 1. PDF Authority® First DF herbicide - FMC With excellent residual activity, Authority First DF herbicide gives you long-lasting control over the tough broadleaves threatening your soybean yields. When you're making your first herbicide choices of the planting season, choose Authority First DF herbicide. QUICK FACTS: • Labeled for use in all types of soybeans, both traited

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Components and Ratios of Pre-mix Herbicides for Use in Soybean Before using any herbicide, always consult the label for appropriate rates, tank-mix partners, plant-back intervals, geographic restrictions, and other special instructions. *All equivalent rates of glyphosate are based on a 3 lb. acid equivalent per gallon formulation. Abbreviations: oz = ounce ae = acid equivalent

V Ling: Beach today

V Ling: Beach today

Authority XL | FMC Corporation | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Authority XL FMC Corporation Labels Label SDS Snapshot ID: 54506 Active ingredients Chlorimuron-ethyl Sulfentrazone Classification B Herbicide WSSA mode of action 2 Inhibition of acetolactate synthase ALS (acetohydroxyacid synthse AHAS) Classification E Herbicide WSSA mode of action 14 Inhibition of protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO) Registration

Apollo and Midnighter get married - Famous Firsts: A History of ...

Apollo and Midnighter get married - Famous Firsts: A History of ...

Label Resource : NRA-National Recovery Act - Vintage Fashion Guild The NRA Blue Eagle label dates from 1933-1935 only. It was a voluntary program covering many consumer goods and was initiated by FDR. It was declared unconstitutional in 1935. This is the famous 'Blue Eagle' Label, seen only 1933-35 in USA. This label can be very handy for dating 1930s garments, accessories and even patterns. Written by ...

V Ling: 09.09

V Ling: 09.09

PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, AUTHORITY 4 F HERBICIDE, 06/05/1997 Authority 4 F Herbicide Is a liquId flowable fonnu/ation, to be mixed with watel'" and sprayed for selective preemergence -and preplant incorporated weed control in soybeans. When applied according to the instructions on this label, it will control listed broadleaf weeds, grasses and sedges.

V Ling: MMMore

V Ling: MMMore

U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, AUTHORITY FIRST ... 17 Mar 1998 — This label contains specific use directions for distinct geographical use areas for Authority First. The States are defined wuler USE RATES.9 pages

V Ling

V Ling

PDF Authority Assist Fact Sheet Authority Assist . 6.0 oz/A Valor® SX 2.5 oz/A. Authority® Assist Pre Trial. Nebraska (60 DAT) Percent Control. Data 2007 20. 40 60. 80 100. Waterhemp Redroot Pigweed. Velvetleaf Lambsquarters. Authority Assist 5 oz 2X Roundup Power MAX. 1X Roundup PowerMAX. Data 2008. Soybean Yield with Pre/Post in . Roundup Ready® Soybeans. University of ...

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GRAND MASTER Headmaster-Founder -Father of Indian Warrior Monks ...

Authority Assist Herbicide (2.5 Gallons) [279-3330] - $813.95 ... Authority Assist herbicide kills small-seeded broadleaf weeds and grasses that can steal yield from soybeans. Benefits: Multiple modes of action Grass Assist for added grass control Very soluble so it works well with light rain No pH restrictions, so there's low risk for carryover to corn

The First Plus-Size Model In Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit Issue Isn't ...

The First Plus-Size Model In Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit Issue Isn't ...

GROUPS 14 2 HERBICIDE - Amazon Web Services 100.0% *Authority First DF Herbicide contains 0.7 pounds of active ingredient per pound of product (0.62 pounds ai of sulfentrazone and 0.08 pounds of ai of cloransulam- methyl) KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CAUTION HOTLINE NUMBER Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison con- trol center or doctor, or going for treatment.

V Ling: 06.10

V Ling: 06.10

PDF Authority First DF 07-23-10 - Amazon Web Services *Authority First DF Herbicide contains 0.7 pounds of active ingredient per pound of product (0.62 pounds ai of sulfentrazone and 0.08 pounds of ai of cloransulam-methyl) KEEPOUTOFREACHOFCHILDREN CAUTION-AVISO Si usted etiende esta etiqueta, busque a alguien para que se la explique a usted en detalle. (If you do not understand this label, find ...

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