40 bravo weather stik
Where to buy Bravo Weather Stik Fungicide - 2.5 Gal - Pestrong Bravo Weather Stik Fungicide - 2.5 Gal is a world-leading broad-spectrum foliar protectant fungicide labeled for use on vegetables with chlorothalonil 54%. It has a patented Weather Stik formulation that sticks and stays on the plant surface longer than any other preventive fungicide available to provide superior broad-spectrum disease control. PDF MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC In Case of ... Product Name: BRAVO WEATHER STIK EPA Registration Number(s): 50534-188-100 Ingredients not precisely identified are proprietary or non-hazardous. Values are not product specifications. Syngenta Hazard Category: C, S Section(s) Revised: 11 Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC Post Office Box 18300 In Case of Emergency, Call 1-800-888-8372 Greensboro ...
Bravo Weather Stik - SYNGENTA fungicide - Agrobase BRAVO WEATHER STIK is a protectant fungicide only. BRAVO WEATHER STIK must be applied before diseases occur/become established to be highly effective. Use disease warning services or past history to determine timing of first spray. If diseases are already present, then an eradicant product should be used first and mixed with BRAVO WEATHER STIK. ...

Bravo weather stik
Bravo-Weather-Stik-Label.pdf - American Mushroom Institute Bravo Weather Stik is effective for strategic use in programs that attempt to minimize disease resistance to fungicides. Some other fungicides which are at risk from disease resistance exhibit a single-site mode of fungicidal action. Bravo Weather Stik, with a multi-site mode of action, may be used to delay or prevent the development of resis- Bravo Weatherstick Fungicide ( 2.5 Gal.) - Martin's Produce Supplies Bravo Weatherstick Fungicide ( 2.5 Gal.) $83.52 Bravo Weather Stik is a broad-spectrum foliar fungicide labeled for use on multi-crop. It has a unique and patented formulation that sticks and stays on the plant surface longer than any other preventative fungicide available especially in wet weather . Out of stock Bravo Weather Stik - syngenta.com.au Bravo Weather Stik Bravo Weather Stik Last updated: 04.12.2020 Fungicide Authorisation Number: 58118 Composition: 720 g/L Chlorothalonil Activity Group: Group M5 Fungicide Formulation: Suspension Concentrate | SC Controls fungal diseases on Almonds, Bananas, Cucurbits, Grapes, Ornamentals, Peanuts, Stone Fruit,
Bravo weather stik. PDF BRAVO WEATHER STIK - mda.state.mn.us Bravo Weather Stik - Special Local Need Label for Minnesota Author: ADAMA Subject: FIFRA Section 24(c) special local need label document for Bravo Weather Stik. This document was not created by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. Keywords: FIFRA Section 24(c), Special Local Need, Bravo Weather Stik, Fungicide Created Date: 5/9/2022 2:06:36 PM PDF BRAVO WEATHER STIK - College of Agriculture & Natural Resources BRAVO WEATHER STIK® is effective for strategic use in programs that attempt to minimize disease resistance to fungicides. Some other fungicides, which are at risk from disease resistance, exhibit a single-site mode of fungicidal action. BRAVO WEATHER STIK®, with a multi-site mode of action, may be used to delay or prevent PDF BRAVO WeatherStik® - American Mushroom BRAVO WeatherStik® 1. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION A12531B Use: Fungicide Product identifier on label: BRAVO WeatherStik® Manufacturer: Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC Post Office Box 18300 Greensboro NC 27419 Manufacturer Phone: 1-800-334-9481 Emergency Phone: 1-800-888-8372 Product No.: 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Danger Classifications: Signal Word ... Bravo Weather Stik® | ADAMA 22 Nov 2021 — Broad-spectrum, non-systemic fungicide for multi-crop use. · Sticks and stays in rainy weather conditions for long-lasting residual control.
PDF Bravo Weather Stik® - Michigan Apply 2 pt/A of Bravo Weather Stik (1.5 lb ai) in sufficient water to obtain adequate coverage. Began applications when disease first threatens, and repeat at 7-10 day intervals as disease pressure warrants. Notes:(1) DO NOTapply more than 16 pints/A within 14 days prior to harvest. (2) For more Bravo Weather Stik - Fungicide - Syngenta Australia Formulation: Suspension Concentrate | SC. Controls fungal diseases on Almonds, Bananas, Cucurbits, Grapes, Ornamentals, Peanuts, Stone Fruit, Tobacco and Vegetables. Bravo Weather Stik SDS (120 bytes) Bravo Weather Stik Label (252 bytes) Brassicas Crop Program (512.7 KB) Bulb Veg Crop Program (323.24 KB) PDF Bravo Weather Stik® - Michigan Bravo Weather Stik may only be applied post -shuck split to tart cherries that will be mechanically harvested and processed. Tart cherries must be processed and not used for fresh consumption. 5. Do not apply more than 20.5 pints of Bravo Weather Stik (15.4 lbs. a.i.) per acre during each growing ... Adama Bravo Weather Stik - DoMyOwn.com Adama Bravo Weather Stik is a protectant fungicide that provides broad-spectrum control of diseases in a wide variety of crops. This unique formulation contains Chlorothalonil as its active ingredient which provides long-lasting residual control while ensuring it sticks and stays on the plant surface especially during rainy weather.
PDF RAINFAST TIME - 2012 The following table describes how long a spray ... Abundit Extra ..... 6 Accent Q ..... 4 PDF Weather Sti k Bravo Weather Stik is an excellent disease control agent when used according to label directions for control of a broad spectrum of plant diseases. Bravo W eather Stik is recommended for use in programs which are compatible with the principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), which include the use ... PDF For Control of Diseases on Long-Season Potatoes Bravo Weather Stik may be applied through sprinkler irrigation equipment (solid set, portable wheel move, motorized lateral move or center pivot systems only). Do not exceed a 10 day interval between applications when using chemigation. See Application and Calibration Techniques for Chemigation on Bravo Weather Stik label. Products - CommoditAg Search results for Bravo Weather Stik returned 1 results. Success: has been saved for later! Fungicides. Product State Map. ORANIL 6L. Similar To: Bravo Weather Stik. Active Ingredients: Chlorothalonil 54%. Product State Map. $37.00 /Gal. $33.00 /Gal. Add to Cart > >> Can't find what you're looking for? Search Products.
Bravo Weather Stik Fungicide - 2.5 Gallon,Chlorothalonil 54% by ... Chlorothalonil (tetrachloroisophthalonitrile).54.0%. Bravo Weather Stik Fungicide (2.5 Gallons). Bravo Weather Stik Label Bravo Weather Stik MSDS. Preventive against disease in adverse weather conditions, where generics fall short.
Bravo Weather Stik | Adama | Agworld DBX - Greenbook.net View the product label for Bravo Weather Stik from Adama. See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more at Agworld DBX, ...
PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, BRAVO 720, 03/28/2003 Bravo 720 (Alternate Name: Bravo Weather Stik) Master 31"')/ __ Amendment 12/12102: First aid, Precautionary Stmts. I ~ Page 2 of 25 FIRST AID If swallowed • Call a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. • Have person sip a glass of water if able to swallow. • Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by a poison control center
Bravo Weather Stik® Fungicide - Reichman Sales & Service Reichman Sales & Service PO Box 698 - Toluca, IL 61369 Phone: 815-452-2665 Fax: 815-452-2837
Shop | FBN Bravo Weather Stik®. Unavailable. Group M05 Fungicide. Active Ingredient. Chlorothalonil (6 lbs/gal) Buy. Free Shipping over $5,000. 0% Financing**. Direct to Farm Delivery.
Bravo Weather Stik - Fungicide - DoMyOwn.com The Syngenta Bravo Weather Stik is a powerful fungicide that eliminates diseases such as rusts, anthracnose, powdery mildew, downy mildew, leaf spot, leaf blight, glume blotch, ring spot, fruit rot, and botrytis blight. It is ideal for use in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) because it is convenient to use and easy to apply.
Bravo Weatherstik - Fungicide | Syngenta BRAVO WEATHERSTIK is a fungicide for the control of fungal diseases in Fruit, Ornamentals, Turf, Vegetables and Wheat. Bravo Weatherstik Label (264.65 KB) Bravo Weatherstik SDS (77.15 KB) Bravo Weatherstik Haznote (25.39 KB) Registrations Classification and Security Application Advice Filter by Crop - Any - 1 Next Apricots Asparagus Beans (Broad)
Bravo Weather Stik Fungicide - 2.5 Gallon [50534-188-100] Bravo Weather Stik Fungicide (2.5 Gallons) Overview When wet weather and diseases are at their worst, Bravo Weather Stik fungicide is at its best. The unique SuperWeatherStik® formulation lets Bravo Weather Stik stick and stay on potatoes, tomatoes and peanuts for protection where generics fall short, making it a world-leading contact fungicide.
Product Overview Key Benefits Application Details Bravo Weather Stik ... Bravo Weather Stik®fungicide is a world-leading broad- spectrum foliar protectant fungicide labeled for use on vegetables. It has a patented Weather Stik®formulation that sticks and stays on the plant surface longer than any other preventive fungicide available to provide superior broad-spectrum disease control. Bravo
Bravo Weather Stik, Fungicides: ProSolutions Bravo Weather Stik is a disease control agent with the active ingredient Chlorothalonil that can control a broad spectrum of plant diseases. Bravo Weather Stik is a broad-spectrum foliar fungicide labeled for use on multi-crop.
PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, BRAVO WEATHER STIK ZN, 08/26/1997 Bravo Weather Stik® Zn Agricultural Fungicide Contains 6.0 Pounds ChIorothalonil Per Gallon (720 grams per liter) Active Ingredient: Chlorothalonil (tetrachloroisophthalonitrile) ...............................
Bravo Weather Stik® Bravo Weather Stik is an excellent disease control agent when used according to label directions for control of a broad spectrum of plant diseases . Bravo ...
Bravo Weather Stick - SYNGENTA fungicide Bravo Weather Stick. registration_data_unavailable. SYNGENTA - fungicide. 50534-188-100. PRODUCT INFORMATION. Application: Bravo Weather Stik can be used effectively in dilute or concentrate sprays. Thorough, uniform coverage is essential for disease control. Important: Always read and follow label instructions when buying or using this product.
Bravo Weather Stik - syngenta.com.au Bravo Weather Stik Bravo Weather Stik Last updated: 04.12.2020 Fungicide Authorisation Number: 58118 Composition: 720 g/L Chlorothalonil Activity Group: Group M5 Fungicide Formulation: Suspension Concentrate | SC Controls fungal diseases on Almonds, Bananas, Cucurbits, Grapes, Ornamentals, Peanuts, Stone Fruit,
Bravo Weatherstick Fungicide ( 2.5 Gal.) - Martin's Produce Supplies Bravo Weatherstick Fungicide ( 2.5 Gal.) $83.52 Bravo Weather Stik is a broad-spectrum foliar fungicide labeled for use on multi-crop. It has a unique and patented formulation that sticks and stays on the plant surface longer than any other preventative fungicide available especially in wet weather . Out of stock
Bravo-Weather-Stik-Label.pdf - American Mushroom Institute Bravo Weather Stik is effective for strategic use in programs that attempt to minimize disease resistance to fungicides. Some other fungicides which are at risk from disease resistance exhibit a single-site mode of fungicidal action. Bravo Weather Stik, with a multi-site mode of action, may be used to delay or prevent the development of resis-
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